Illustration, art, graphic designs and photography style and direction for QDOBA's Diablo Nachos and Queso Diablo campaigns. These devilish iterations where used for in various applications, ranging from digital to print media, merch and menu boards.

Flat bill hat and patch design application for QDOBA's online merchandise line. The art is complimentary to the Diablo Nachos and Queso Diablo menu items and intended not just for use by employees at the restaurant or office, but also eager patrons looking to sport an alternative to a big corporate logo to show their brand loyalty.
The product remains a popular purchase and frequently runs out of sock.

Enamel Pin art and design for QDOBA's online merchandise line. The art is complimentary to the Diablo Nachos and Queso Diablo menu items.
The product remains a popular purchase and is worn as brand badge of honor and badassness!